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Our School Story

General Currie Elementary is a school of 21 divisions located in the City Centre area of Richmond, BC. The school is situated on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territories of hǝn̓q̓ǝmin̓ǝm̓ speaking people. What might stand out to you about our school is our strong sense of community. You will find students and families gathering on our playground until they run out of daylight and there is a strong representation of many different cultures and ethnicities. Some of our families are new to Canada while others have families that have been part of the Richmond community for many generations.

As we reconnect with the purpose of our School Story, we know that this is designed as a framework for enhancing student learning. The past chapter of our School Story helped us develop our heart, our identity, our way of being. We know that the Currie Cares model is a part of who we are. Follow our journey to deepen our understanding and bring this model to life on the Currie Cares page HERE


Our Focus

Focus - Inquiry question: 

How does a focus on exploring reading comprehension strategies help students develop proficiency in making meaning and connecting to the world around them?  

Action Statements: 

1) We will explore the Pillars of Literacy and embed a variety of learning experiences. 

2) We will embed growth mindset strategies to help students meet their literacy goals. 

Evidence Statement: 

We know that it's making a difference when students can:

  • making connections between text and personal experiences 
  • make inferences, predictions, and comparisons 
  • ask questions that deepen their understanding of the world around them 

Our Action Posts

Moving Forward

Posted: Jun 21 2024

School Wide Literacy Scan

Posted: Feb 21 2024

Gathering Student Voice

Posted: Dec 18 2023

What is....?

Posted: Apr 7 2023

Developing Common Language

Posted: Nov 23 2022

Our Evidence Posts