Where to Next?
What a year it has been!
On Wednesday, June 28th we said goodbye to all of our General Currie students and celebrated what has been an outstanding year of learning and being together as a community. We had a year end assembly where we gathered together in the gym and acknowledged all of the wonderful things that we have accomplished, said our goodbyes to some amazing staff members who are off to new experiences as educators, and wished eachother a safe and enjoyable summer.
The following day we, as a staff, continued to participate in professional learning around our school framework of Care for Self - Care for Others - Care for Place. This was our final opportunity to gather as a staff and look back at our year-long journey of thinking about how we can best support our students in being successful in their Social - Emotional Learning. This was also an opportunity to celebrate our journey and acknowledge that we are ready to begin using common language in our community, beginning in September, as guided by our school framework.
Our discussions were once again facilitated by a District Consultant and we spent some time becoming even more familiar with the Personal and Social Core Competencies and how the language could be used to help support our students in learning about how they best Care for Self. Upon our return in September, our intention is to begin engaging our students in learning opportunties where they reflect upon what they need to do, or what needs to be in place, to best care for themselves and ensure that they are ready to learn and that they are set-up for success. Please see the photographs for samples of some of the language that was developed by our staff. Upon our return in September we will be "teasing" out some of the language and developing learning activities that help our students think critically about how they can best Care for Self. Once we have dedicated a good length of time toward learning about how we can best Care for Self, we'll be ready to transition to learning about how we can best Care for Others and Care for Place.
For further information regarding Core Competencies, please look here.
Have a wonderful summer everyone.