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Growth Mindset in Literacy

Data collection last year and into the beginning of this school year included: 

  • teacher reports through Class Review meetings and conversations 
  • student year end assessment data 

While we focused on the connection between growth mindset and the Currie Cares model, it was evident that we need to further illuminate the area of literacy to support student overall learning and well-being. 

Year-end literacy assessment revealed that a percentage of our student population were emerging in their literacy skills and understanding, even after receiving targeted supports and interventions. 

We wondered: What is the relationship between growth mindset and the understanding and development of literacy competencies? How might one influence the other? 

As we illuminate the renewed focus of growth mindset in literacy, we recognize that some stories and voices have not been included and collected in our process. Our next steps include: 

  • collecting student voice regarding literacy learning 
  • gathering and sharing data collected through literacy assessment 
  • choosing 1-2 areas of focus (using the Pillars of Literacy as a guide) 
  • creating a plan for staff to connect and check-in on actions 


Updated: Monday, December 18, 2023