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Developing Common Language

One of our intended actions is to build school-wide common language about growth mindset. Classes read the book "Not Yet", and sorted phrases into "growth mindset" and "fixed mindset" categories. Through the sorting activity, students worked in buddy classes to discuss and share ideas. 

What we noticed: 

  • students are able to sort and distinguish growth vs. fixed mindset statements 
  • students were eager to share their ideas of what growth mindset means in relations to learning 

"You do it step by step." - L (Gr. 2) 

"Growth mindset means to not give up on things and to keep working hard." - GL (Gr. 4) 

"Making mistakes teaches you lessons." - B (Gr. 4) 

"It's learning new ways to do things." - J (Gr. 2)

What's next: 

  • generate our own growth mindset phrases and use positive self talk when we feel stuck 
  • Where might we *see* growth mindset in our everyday experiences? 
  • conducting a student scan to gather data 
Updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2023