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Our Staff Learning

Professional Learning 

Staff throughout the year participated in professional learning that focussed on building understanding of Social/ Emotional learning, the importance of student connectedness through the creation of common language and discussion around core competencies and our values.  Through our learning staff recognized that student voice and behaviours indicated that common language was necessary in the school.  Caring for self, others and place became the lens that staff were most comfortable with as this had been put forth in the previous year as a possibility to replace the STAR matrix.

With the co-creation of common language, staff worked with a District Consultant to learn about and look at how core competency language in Personal and Social Responsibility could be embedded into Caring for Self, Others and Place.  This resulted sample statements that could be used to support students in understanding the competecy and in contributing to the school in a positive way.

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021