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Currie Ways of Being

Throughout last year, we tried to articulate the connection between Currie Cares and growth mindset (a newly identified focus). It was challenging to articulate an exact connection, despite the valuable data we collected through student scans. As we talked to students and gathered their ideas, we realized that Currie Cares has become a part of our school community's identity, a collective way of being. Perhaps we didn't need to find a link between the 2 concepts because the Currie Cares model is embedded in everything that we do. Perhaps, the Currie Cares model, when seen as a way of being, can serve as a framework for growth mindset, in guiding our actions and thoughts. 

During a Family Appreciation event, we invited families to share: 

What is our collective General Currie identity? 

What is another "way of being" in our Currie community?

We also held a focus group with representation from each of our 21 divisions, where students shared their ideas about our collective identity and way of being. 

After collating results from students, staff, and families, the top 5 "ways of being" are: 


Everyone welcome

Growth mindset



Next Steps: 

To dive deeper into the Currie Cares model as our way of being - deepening our understanding of how Currie Cares come alive in various parts of our lives.

- Classes are invited to co-construct Currie Cares statements that represent care for self, others, and place in a deepened way. 

Updated: Monday, October 30, 2023